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Software Changelog

12.6.4 – Beta (for all) – 06.11.2024

Correct counting of card participants
Entertainment selection starts faster
Axis calibration is saved
USB connection optimised
Firmware update for better behaviour of the seat sensor

12.5.9 – Software update – 29.10.24

Fixing a problem with engine noise (firmware version 187: V6, V7)

12.5.9 – Beta - 25.10.24

New firmware (version 187) to optimise the occasional engine noise (beeping) on the V6 and V7 models

12.5.8 – Software release - 21.10.24

Stability improvements for connections (V7 firmware, V6 card optimisation, V0 - V5 ErgoID memory)
Optimisation of the "Back" button function with the options: "Automatic", "Always ask", "Just back"
The firmware for all models can be easily updated via Settings -> Software update be updated.

12.5.5 – Beta - 27.09.24

Improved user interface in entertainment mode

12.5.0   Software release - 27.09.24

Stability improvement and saving of screen settings
Connection problems between brake drum and rowing machine rectified
Navigation from rowing back to the main menu improved
Improved remote logging

12.5.3 – Beta - 06.09.24

Correction of an error
Connection problems between brake drum and rowing machine rectified

12.4.8 – Beta - 01.08.24

UI customisation for the Eight Sport
New firmware
Pulse-controlled training - sensitivity adapted
Possibility to confirm that you want to leave the training
Stability adjustments
Error with quick logins fixed

12.3.7 – Beta - 28.06.24

Changes to the motor control unit improve performance and efficiency
Troubleshooting for v4 devices 
Resistor configuration
Memory processing

12.3.5 – Software - 25.06.24

Function for pinning workouts restored
Firmware update to version 143 has been carried out to prevent failures
Improved logging functions to assist with entertainment issues

12.3.5 – Beta - 13.06.24

Memory processing (faster saving and loading: performance)
Resistor configuration

12.3.3 – Software release - 04.06.24

Kinomap (V6+)
Chrome launch possible again!
Motor problem solved! 
When starting an entertainment programme, the system checks for updates
Fixed a bug in the firmware

12.2.9 - Beta - 25.04.24

The calibration data is restored when the firmware is updated

12.2.8 - Beta - 24.04.24

Display settings are also saved in entertainment mode
Error when starting the training in version 12.1.2 fixed
Optimisation of communication between the devices
Updating the performance
More precise calibration
Manual firmware update
Various bug fixes
Optimised statistics display
Pulse belt connection optimised and automatic connection reactivated
With the firmware update, the FTMS rowing machine supports
FTMS can be permanently activated in the experimental features, independently of Kinomap
Use Kinomap while rowing on this screen

12.1.3 - generelles Update - 02.04.24

Optional quiet resistance control
Bug fix from version 12.1.1

12.1.1 - all devices - 15.03.24

Screen stays on while rowing
Additional packages (entertainment) download stalling fixed
Minor bug fixes

12.0.9 - all devices - 29.02.24

Login & Logout adjustable
Spelling / Language updated
General optimisations 
Improved memory management
Network access optimised and reduced
Beat recognition algorithm switchable between new and old model
Display error in entertainment mode updated
Fixed an error when saving settings
Amazon Prime Video in the Entertainment Library
Notifications possible during interval change

12.0.5 - all devices - 16.02.24

Network optimisation
Customisable hit recognition algorithm
Customisation of the user interface in entertainment mode
Customisation of the user interface
Saving the settings

12.0.0 (only in the Beta version) - 11.01.24

New feature: Amazon prime video
Amazon prime video is part of the entertainment functions

11.9.9 (only in the beta version) 

Interval change messages
Notification in full screen or entertainment mode before interval change (can be activated in the experimental features)


Stability update
Improving device stability

11.9.4 – 21.12.24

Languages updated
Correct translation (e.g. French)
Device performance optimised (various bug fixes)
Connection optimisations
Data records corrected
Updating the device firmware
Quick logins can now also be deleted with a long press

11.9.3 Beta

Data records corrected

11.9.2 Beta

Device performance optimised
Various troubleshooting

11.9.1 Beta

Connection optimisations
Optimisation: Restoring the device connection

11.9.0 Beta (V6+) - 22.11.24

New firmware for analysing the handle error
Cancellable quick logins
Error in the statistics fixed 

11.8.7 Software update (video function for all V6+ devices)

Video function (improved display, resistance display during interval training)
Performance Update
Admin password= Parental control
Improved beat detection
Connection of Bluetooth speakers/headphones possible

11.8.5 Beta

Optimisation of beat recognition
General stability
Customisation of texts
Show/hide number of rowers

11.8.2 Beta

Support for interval training when using the video functions (v6) 
Stability updates

11.8.1 Beta

Improved beat detection

11.8.0 Beta 

New option available: Videos while rowing (Netflix, Chrome, Youtube)
Various stability improvements
Various troubleshooting

11.7.9 Update for all devices before 2022 ( v3 - v5 )

General improvements
General update
Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Troubleshooting the touchscreen lock in the menu
Troubleshooting Restart when pulling the plug
Improvement in operation
Troubleshooting Flash Loop

11.7.8 Update for all devices

Statistics manually renewable
General bug fixes
Activatable error reporting
Send error reports at the touch of a button
New display : Sensor diagnosis
Improvements for commissioning - information for customers
Various text adjustments
Trainer history display : Compare your last rowing stroke with the new one
New sorting of the support options
Support tools for production
Various minor bug fixes
New communication protocol (especially for v4 + v5 devices)
Corrected trainer rating in the workout memory
Map package updated
Trainer ratings corrected (display error fixed)


The background noise for resistance control has been adjusted on some devices. (Only for the newer appliance version)
Resistance behaviour adjusted & customisable under experimental features. (Only for the newer device version)
Improvements: Starting the application, updating the firmware, upload
Minor changes to icons and texts.
Fixed loading bar when rowing.
Screen activation by the seat sensor is now adjustable.
Login and registration simplified and improved.
Axis labels, units and more optimised.
Link your heart rate monitor to your account to enable automatic connections.
Connection to the heart rate monitor improved.
See how you have improved over time in the training memory.
Upload failed? Upload your workout from the training memory again.
Training data is saved in greater detail.
Count of active rowers revised.
General bug fixes.
Improved event routes update.


Statistics manually renewable
General bug fixes
Activatable error reporting
Send error reports at the touch of a button
New display : Sensor diagnosis
Improvements for commissioning - information for customers
Various text adjustments
Trainer history display : Compare your last rowing stroke with the new one
New sorting of the support options


The background noise for resistance control has been adjusted on some devices. (Only for the newer appliance version)
Resistance behaviour adjusted & customisable under experimental features. (Only for the newer device version)
Improvements: Starting the application, updating the firmware, upload
Minor changes to icons and texts.
Fixed loading bar when rowing.
Screen activation by the seat sensor is now adjustable.
Login and registration simplified and improved.
Axis labels, units and more optimised.
Link your heart rate monitor to your account to enable automatic connections.
Connection to the heart rate monitor improved.
See how you have improved over time in the training memory.
Upload failed? Upload your workout from the training memory again.
Training data is saved in greater detail.
Count of active rowers revised.
General bug fixes.
Improved event routes update.


Thanks to the cooperation of our customers, we were able to fix a few minor errors, including the deletion of training sessions.
For normal training sessions, the entry "null" is no longer displayed in the title. For specific training sessions, the name of the training programme is still displayed here.
Improvement for future software updates. Occasional problems when displaying the latest update under Settings -> Software update have been fixed


The name of the completed workout is now displayed in the workout history
Extended statistics are displayed from the time of installation
The map can now be zoomed in four stages with a double tap
When stationary, the map can be moved in full screen mode
The settings have been tidied up. The maps can now be updated directly via Features -> City Maps
New setting options for timeouts & restarts
Athletes further away are now also displayed on the map.


Firmware adjustments
The firmware has been adapted for greater stability.


Remove pulse belts
Have you lost track? Remove unused pulse belts from the overview by clicking and holding on the entry.


Trainer show yourself
You can now also find the trainer in the tiles at the top left.


Route of the week
Manual updating of the route is no longer necessary.


Map updated - full screen mode
Is your rowing technique already ideal? Then enjoy the scenery in full-screen mode.


Map updated
Turn - don't turn. The map now runs more smoothly and there are fewer rotations to the north


Stability when rowing
Thanks to your valuable feedback, we were able to fix a few bugs that occurred while rowing.
Strava integration
Synchronise your data with Strava. Activate synchronisation at webapp.augletics.com
Strava integration
Synchronise your data with Strava. Activate synchronisation at webapp.augletics.com
The AUGLETICS goes out of standby as soon as you log in with a chip / hold it up to the reader.
Texts updated
Some texts have been adapted and made more comprehensible


Event rowing on the map
Synchronise your data with Strava. Activate synchronisation at webapp.augletics.com
Strava integration
Synchronise your data with Strava. Activate synchronisation at webapp.augletics.com
Save screen settings
Start your training with the last view setting. You can make this setting both per device and per account.
Share training overview
Do you want to share your statistics on Facebook & Co? From now on, you can send your training successes by email and easily share the overview on social media. Log in and click on the new symbol at the top right of the training overview.
New workouts!
Together with athletes and sports science experts, we have created a few brand new, pre-defined workouts for every type of training. We hope you like them as much as we do and that they will make you work up a sweat.
Share training overview
You can now receive your training successes by e-mail when you are logged in. Click on the new symbol in the training overview.
Training time
Just a small but frequently requested function. The time is now in the top right-hand corner. Especially if you have plans in the morning after training, this will certainly provide some reassurance.


City Maps
Rowing on the virtual course has been revised. More participants are now allowed on the course and any problems with opponents jumping have been fixed.
Rolling seat registration updated
Errors that occurred with some rowers in connection with the roll seat movement have been corrected.
RFID detection
The range and reading speed of the RFID / NFC sensor has been improved.

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