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Calculating your maximum heart rate: how to find your optimum training heart rate for the rowing machine

15 November 2024


FROM Flavio Holstein

To work effectively on a Rowing machine it is important to know your heart rate and to train specifically in certain areas. The Maximum heart rate (MHF) indicates how fast your heart can beat at maximum load. It serves as a basis for determining your training zones and ensuring that you neither under- nor overtrain.

How can you determine your maximum heart rate?

There are several ways to determine your maximum heart rate:

  1. Performance diagnostics under medical supervisionThis is the most accurate method, as it uses an exercise ECG to determine exactly how fast your heart can beat at maximum effort. This method is particularly recommended for competitive athletes and people with pre-existing health conditions.
  2. Test in training (e.g. 500 metre rowing race)A sporty method for determining your maximum heart rate is a 500 metre race on the rowing machine. You row the 500 metres at maximum effort while measuring your heart rate. The highest heart rate you achieve will give you a good indication of your maximum heart rate.

Important: This method is only suitable for well-trained athletes, as it is extremely demanding on the body. For less trained people or people with health concerns, such an intensive test can be risky and lead to overloading or circulatory problems. It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor before such tests or to use a less strenuous method, such as the rule of thumb.

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Rule of thumb:

The simplest method for calculating your maximum heart rate is the rule of thumb:

Maximum heart rate

(MHF) = 220 - Age

This formula provides a rough guide that is sufficient for most amateur athletes to determine their training zones.

Although it is not as precise as a stress test, it is safer and particularly suitable for beginners.

Are there differences in heart rate between men and women?

Yes, they do exist! On average, women have a higher heart rate than men during submaximal exercise. This was shown in a study by Prof Dr Kuno Hottenrott and Dr Gert Neumann at the Institute for Performance Diagnostics and Health Promotion at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. They found that at a lactate concentration of 2 mmol/l, women have around 10 beats per minute more than men. At 4 mmol/l it is still around 7 beats per minute.

The reason for this is simple: women's hearts are smaller and pump less blood per beat, which means that the heart has to beat faster to meet the same oxygen demand of the muscles.

Interestingly, the study also showed that these differences decrease with increasing exertion. There was no difference in maximum heart rate between men and women. However, for recreational athletes who simply want to get fitter, these differences play a subordinate role.

The findings are particularly valuable for precise training control in endurance sports. The authors have even developed a gender-specific formula for optimal training heart rates, which can help to adapt training zones even better. You can find the details in the publication: Gender-specific formula for optimal training heart rates, published in the Swiss Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Traumatology (2012, Volume 60, Issue 3, pages 102-105).

Further details on this topic can be found in the study by the Swiss Journal of Sports Medicine: „Gender-specific formula for optimal training heart rates„.

As always, listen to your body and customise your training! 


You can also read our article "Rowing correctly and rowing technique on the rowing machine" to be more informed.

Average values of maximum heart rate by age

Here you will find an overview of the average maximum heart rate values in different age groups:

These values are based on the rule of thumb and provide a general orientation. They are easy to use and provide a good basis for training planning. As the differences between men and women often overlap in practice, we have chosen a standardised representation here.
How to determine your ideal training heart rate
Once you know your maximum heart rate, you can define different training zones to achieve your fitness goals. Depending on your goal, you train at different intensities:
  • Regeneration range (50-60 % of the MHF)This area is suitable for relaxed sessions and active recovery to recharge your batteries after intensive training phases.
  • Basic endurance (60-70 % of the MHF)If you want to lose weight or improve your stamina, this area is ideal. This is where the body prefers to burn fat and strengthens the cardiovascular system at the same time.
  • Aerobic endurance (70-80 % of the MHF): Here the intensity increases and you specifically train your endurance performance. This is the area in which you complete longer rowing units and work up a sweat, but can still speak.
  • Anaerobic range (80-90 % of the MHF): This is where you train at your limit to increase your performance and improve your anaerobic threshold. This helps you to sustain more intensive intervals on the rowing machine. You can find out more about this in our article "Anaerobic threshold and how to improve it in rowing training".

Video: Pulse training made easy

Our expert Britta, a former competitive rower, explains in her video why it is important to know the right heart rate zone for training and how best to use it. She gives valuable tips on the use of heart rate belts and describes the benefits of training in different heart rate zones.
What is particularly helpful is that you can see how your fitness improves over time by monitoring your heart rate. A stable heart rate with increasing exertion shows that you are making progress. Britta also emphasises that it is important to listen to your body during intense exercise and not just train by numbers.
In addition to the video, you can also read our article ,,Pulse training on the rowing machine" help. 


What advantages does the AUGLETICS Eight Style offer for pulse-controlled training?

The AUGLETICS Eight Style is ideal for achieving the optimum training heart rate:


  • Real-time display of your heart rate on the screen.
  • Target heart rate mode: The device automatically adjusts the resistance to keep you in your desired heart rate zone.
  • Detailed analyses after training so that you can track your progress.
Can I increase my maximum heart rate through training?

No, the maximum heart rate is genetically determined and decreases with age. However, you can increase the efficiency of your cardiovascular system through regular training, which leads to a lower resting heart rate and greater resilience.

What role does the resting heart rate play?

The resting heart rate is the heart rate in a relaxed state, e.g. in the morning after waking up. It provides information about your general fitness. A trained athlete often has a resting heart rate between 40 and 60 beats per minute, while the average is 60-80. A lower resting heart rate indicates a stronger and more efficient heart.

How can I measure my heart rate during training?

The simplest method is to use a heart rate monitor or smartwatch. The AUGLETICS Eight Style rowing machine supports Bluetooth heart rate belts that display your heart rate in real time on the large touchscreen. The integrated Virtual Coach also helps you to maintain your optimum heart rate zone.


What is the Tanaka formula

Formula according to Tanaka (more precisely for people of different fitness levels):
Example: At the age of 30, the result is 208-(0.7×30)=187208-(0.7×30)=187 beats per minute.

What should I bear in mind when I start heart rate training?
  • Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity.
  • Listen to your body - excessive strain can be counterproductive.
  • If you are unsure or have health restrictions, consult a doctor before you start pulse-controlled training.

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Conclusion: Pulse training for efficient fitness rowing

Knowing your maximum heart rate and making targeted use of the different training zones are the key to effective rowing training. They help you to avoid overtraining and achieve your goals efficiently - whether you want to lose weight, increase your endurance or improve your performance. The Fitness rowing offers a perfect combination of strength and endurance training that gets you fit without overloading your joints. With the right heart rate and targeted training, you'll get the most out of every session.
If you would like to find out more about how to use the Correct rowing technique read our article "Rowing correctly and rowing technique on the rowing machine". And if you're curious about how to breathe properly when rowing, take a look at our article "Correct breathing during rowing training - how it works" to.

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