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Entdecke die Welt des Ruderns Neu: Mit Kinomap auf unseren Rudergeräten

13. June 2024


VON Janine Mönke

At a time when balancing work, leisure and fitness is increasingly challenging, AUGLETICS is constantly looking for ways to make our training routines not only more effective but also more fun. We understand the importance of this balance and have already proven that rowing is not only one of the most efficient sports for physical fitness, but also offers enormous potential for fun and motivation.

After the successful Integration of streaming services such as Netflix and YouTube as well as the Chrome browser on our Rowing machineswe are proud to introduce the next level of interactive training: Kinomap is now part of our feature set!

What is Kinomap?

Kinomap is a revolutionary platform that allows users to train virtually in thousands of locations worldwide. With an impressive library of videos and courses, Kinomap offers a training environment that gives the feeling of actually rowing in a different place. From calm river rides to exciting races, Kinomap brings the world to your home, letting you forget the stresses of everyday life and offering you a healthy and fun sport.

Komoot login page with cyclist in the background in front of a mountain landscape.

How to use Kinomap on your rowing machine

The integration of Kinomap into our rowing machines is another step towards making your training as motivating and effective as possible, but how do I use the new function?

  1. Update your device: Make sure that your rowing machine is updated to the latest software version. Kinomap is available for devices sold since mid-2022. These devices start with ErgoID v6 or v7.

  2. Activate cinema map: Make sure that the "Activate cinema map" option under "Settings -> Features -> Experimental features" is ticked.

  3. Install Kinomap: After the update, you will already find the Kinomap app on your device. Simply follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. If you have any questions or problems, you can of course always contact us.

  4. Discover new routes: Once Kinomap is installed, you can choose from a variety of routes and start your training. Whether you want to explore the Amazon or row through the canals of Venice - Kinomap makes it possible.

Be part of the AUGLETICS community

We invite you to become part of our passionate community. Share your adventures, successes and experiences with us and the world on social media. Simply use the hashtag #augletics and mark us under @augletics! We look forward to seeing your stories and growing together with you.

Rediscover the joy of fitness with AUGLETICS and Kinomap and experience how your living room becomes a gateway to the wide world. Are you ready for your next adventure?

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